För 5 vårar sedan snurrade det bra många funderingar, vi skulle sälja vårt hus o flytta in till stan. Jag behövde ett litet andningshål i tillvaron, därför kom denna blogg till. Innehållet speglar livet i stort, en liten blandning av sött/salt/ surt =) Om allt eller inget helt enkelt..
Håll till godo..
It´s about things I don´t want to waste time or space here with, I think you know what..a statement simply about that we all have responsibility to speak up, to do right, to rise above.. Kram!
*LOL* I love this pic!
SvaraRaderaDo you want to say something special with it???
It´s about things I don´t want to waste time or space here with, I think you know what..a statement simply about that we all have responsibility to speak up, to do right, to rise above.. Kram!